sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2019

Ciências forenses, erros

Edward Humes, no Los Angeles Times, publicou um interessante artigo sobre os erros das ciências forenses com sérias consequências para os cidadãos investigados.
A gravidade da situação levou o Presidente Obama a criar uma comissão para estudar soluções que pudessem evitar tais erros, comissão entretanto dissolvida na Presidência de Trump.
Welcome to the real world of forensics, where the wizardry lionized by the “CSI” television empire turns out to have serious flaws. The science of bite-mark comparisons, ballistic comparisons, fingerprint matching, blood-spatter analysis, arson investigation and other common forensic techniques has been tainted by systematic error, cognitive bias (sometimes called “tunnel vision”) and little or no research or data to support it. There is, in short, very little science behind some of the forensic “sciences” used in court to imprison and sometimes execute people.
The rigorously researched and peer-reviewed newcomer to forensics, DNA matching, has thrown into sharp relief the lack of scientific rigor in many other forensic disciplines. According to data gathered by the National Registry of Exonerations, of the 2,363 inmates exonerated of murder or other serious felonies since 1989 (most commonly through DNA), 553 were convicted with flawed or misleading forensic evidence—nearly one out of four.